Grief and Loss

Despite collar bells, she is regularly adept at catching birds, my soft-slippered, swift-limbed cat. At least…

The choices left to us were not about cure, nor even for long about care; and…

Le pied de ma tante it was that undid me. Restraint and necessity had shored up…

The day they snaffled Gaddafi from his sewer sanctum- parading the parader, berating the ranter- that…

As aged driftwood, weatherworn, smoothly beautiful; voyaged and beached, sea-swept and sanded so many times before;…

In heaven, my friend, you shall know the resonant power of a whisper; you shall delight…

Death, your long-time acquaintance who has called often to remind you of his presence, has kept…

My father saw it first, the body on the rocks. Sounds like a drink, used to…