
Prayer For A Mercy Day

Into the mercy of Jesus your child,
into the mercy which is the wondrous womb of God,
rich with creative blood,
into the mercy which insists “alive is the Spirit,
alive and awake and waiting,”
Into this mercy-
O girl of Nazareth,
O woman of Calvary,
O matriarch of Pentecost-
Into this mercy
coax our need,
release our enslavements,
lead our fears,
invite our dreams.

Woman of mercy-
who knew within your womb
the first limberings
of the one who is mercy-
teach and lead and free
and find
with us and for us
the place where sit the ones who weep
and starve and ail and mourn and
do not own more than an inkling of future.
Let us be with them and for them
a word, a way,
and a flashpoint of that mercy.
O great woman,
O mother,
our sister in Jesus:
this, today,
for this time,
we pray.

Mercy Meaning