Mercy Meaning

Mercy is a woman of indeterminate age and unremarkable appearance. She is not fussy about the…

Mercy works with monosyllables mostly- a yes, a no, a you and we. Not terse but…

Mercy be the name; Mercy be the path; Mercy at the heart. Ever, ever. Amen.

May you meet mercy each day: in the light of your own heart, at the hands…

May your own need and knowing of mercy lead you to its need and its knowing…

If we utter aloud the word mercy, standing, each of us, by an open window anywhere…

Reckon each night in the quiet dark the mercy-blessing of your day: its giving and its…

‘In knowing my Mercy you will learn little by little to make my mercy, and to…

If love is the essence and measure of God mercy must be God’s favourite hue, a…

  The Door of Mercy is double-hinged, swinging in, opening out, sturdy, yet easily moved. My…

Creator God- Maker and Source of Mercy- all praise to You. Jesus – exemplar and champion…

  Mercy rests in thankfulness, wakes in compassion, works with fidelity, tenderly, sleeps with the door…

God of the immense universe, God of each human heart,  We thank You and we praise…