I thought it died once, the spark within, that fuels the heart, that pumps the blood,…
“Seek the holy ground- seek the holy ground of need where with the lonely, the loony…
Allow the light is all the call implores. Allow the light to flood the heart, to…
No matter how low, how lost, how lamenting it seems- life- there is always the quiet…
The hollow of the hand of God is webbed with the world’s story- the lace of…
“See you there” she says, Looking over her shoulder, as off she takes, hair streaming behind…
a heart poisoned by hate a heart imploded by power a heart withered by indifference a…
Heaven say some is rest and peace. Others conjure it as dance. I think it will…
In my heart is a thirst In my heart is a knowing In my heart is…
‘Float in fire molten gold free figure, become one with the flame. Leave thought; still the…
Sink soul, Into the silence Of leaf-grained awe; the sweep and fall of the melody of…
If you are a stone thrown by the sure Hand of Kindness into a pool, you…
What if Bede had seen it in reverse? If the warmth, the safety and the home…