
God of our ordinary days and nights, God of extraordinary times, together we pray- guide our…

(invite all to respond “Amen” at the end of each line.)   Creator God, bless and…

I hold out my hand, I am holding out my arm, arm outstretched I turn my…

The blessing of the fire of the Spirit be upon us: the fire that enflames us…

I am walking this way with you, O God, a strange and difficult path. I am…

The blessing of the Emmaus Road be upon you: the blessing that shares sorrow’s burden on…

–    Are you alive in your spirit? –    I hear you. –    Are you close to…

As you set out on this last great journey, this last which is first, may your…

Go forth from this place with joy; go forth with hope. Go forth from this place…

The candle, the fire, this wondrous light gathers us in its glow and its mystery; casts…

I wrap around me the blanket of providence, the warm wool of God’s care and devotion;…

1. May trouble not sit at your table nor worry knock often at your door; Joy…

This day O God On all my normal paths I will seek your joy. This day…

Into the silence that stills into the stillness that warms into the warmth that lights into…